#AskYounusAlGohar - Can You Convince Me Intellectually to Believe in HDE Gohar Shahi?
Article by H.H. Younus AlGohar · May 25, 2017
His Holiness Younus AlGohar answers a question from a viewer during one of his live video sessions about intellectuality in spirituality.

The following is a transcript of His Holiness Younus AlGohar's reply to a viewer on YouTube live.
His Divine Eminence Gohar Shahi does not cater for your intellectuality. HDE is more concerned about your spirituality - about enlightenment of the soul and purgation of your Carnal Self. HDE Gohar Shahi estimates the possibilities of whether or not God will allow you into his friendship.
Secondly, I do not want to convince anybody to believe in HDE Gohar Shahi.
The reason why I don’t want to convince anybody to believe in HDE Gohar Shahi is that only seekers will find the truth. The truth does not beg anybody. I would hate to convince you.
There is a proverb in Persian, ‘True fragrance makes its presence felt.’ You don’t want somebody to tell you, ‘It is fragrance.’
We’re talking about HDE Gohar Shahi. While we’re talking about HDE Gohar Shahi, HDE Gohar Shahi’s name will attract the aspiring hearts and souls. If HDE Gohar Shahi’s name doesn’t interest the heart and soul of anybody, then it is useless for them.
I do not convince anybody, I would hate to do it. However, there is a book written by HDE Gohar Shahi, it is called The Religion of God (Divine Love). Go through every word of this book and you’ll find out what the score is.
HDE Gohar Shahi has nothing to do with intellectuality. Why would I give you a reason to believe in HDE Gohar Shahi other than what HDE has come here for? HDE has come here to enlighten our hearts and souls, and to purge our Carnal Selves.
The Difference Between Intellect and Intelligence
Secondly, you cannot understand or know God with intellect. Intellect is blindness, nothing else. If you would talk about intelligence, I would reply differently.
There is a difference between intelligence and intellect. You need intellect for your mundane life; however, now we’re talking about God, not this phenomenal world. In order to understand God, what you need is an enlightened heart. According to the Koran, the power of comprehension is granted to a heart when that heart is enlightened. [22:46]
Go through every single word of the Koran and tell me: can you understand God with your intellect? The answer is no. You need an enlightened heart. Then comes superior intelligence than that of the intellect you have in your head.
Intelligence is discerning and intuitive; it is not learnt, it is granted by God.
With your intellect, you can understand things relating to your life and this universe, however, God cannot be understood; actions and acts of God cannot be comprehended with the help for the intellect.
You need the enlightenment of the heart which will then initiate into that divine intelligence; this will be granted to your heart.
Q: How can the heart be granted intelligence when the heart doesn’t think?
I advised you to study The Religion of God (Divine Love) by HDE Gohar Shahi [which has answers to this question]. This sentence that you just wrote simply suggests to me that you are pretty naive to the concept of spirituality. You do not know what heart, in particular, I am referring to.
There is a fleshy heart which pumps and oxygenates the blood. This is not the heart I am talking about. I am talking about the heart which is like a soul, an angel; it is sitting on top of the fleshy heart. The fleshy heart is just housing it. That spiritual being which sits on the heart is in a dormant state. When this is activated and brought back to life through a spiritual guide, with the help of whom the spiritual heart is rejuvenated, then that heart thinks. That heart is granted intelligence.
Bear in mind this philosophy is not my own concocted philosophy. This is coming from the Koran: the power of comprehension is granted to the hearts. Moula Ali, Data Ali Hajwari and Khwaja all read the same Koran. You and I are reading the same Koran. Every other Muslim in Muslim and non-Muslim countries, who are scattered into many different denotations are reading the same Koran. How come Ali had a different understanding of the Koran? It is nothing to do with intellectuality. It is to do with spiritual intelligence which is granted to the hearts when the hearts are purified and activated.
According to this knowledge of spirituality, the heart can become enlightened once the seed of the name of God is implanted in the heart. The heart is articulated with God’s name and thus this creates divine light.