The Upcoming Supermoon - The Biggest in the Past 70 Years!
Published on Sat, November 05, 2016 ∙ General ∙
The ‘Supermoon’ and ‘Perigee Moon’ refer to an astronomical event when the Moon is closest to the Earth. Due to its proximity to Earth, it appears unusually large.
On November 14th, onlookers will be able to see the Moon closer to the Earth than it has ever been in the 21st century. The last time the world witnessed a Supermoon this big was approximately 70 years ago. The next time such a Supermoon can be seen will be in 19 years.
The image of Kalki Avatar Gohar Shahi is prominent on the Moon. During the Supermoon, we invite humanity to investigate the image of Kalki Avatar on the Moon and experience the bounty of Lord Ra Gohar Shahi for themselves!