July 23-24, 2013: Healing Camp in Sri Barthasarathi Sri Thirobathai Amman Temple, Udappu

Published on Wed, July 24, 2013 ∙ Healing Camp ∙ Sri Lanka

For two very busy, very successful days at the Sri Barthasarathi Sri Thirobathai Amman Temple in Udappu, a team from Kalki Avatar Foundation worked tirelessly from early morning to late at night to provide temple-goers with free spiritual healing. They went above and beyond what was required of them to make sure every restless heart was given the opportunity to receive the only thing that could quench their thirst: the revolutionary message of divine love and teachings from Kalki Avatar Lord Ra Gohar Shahi.

Over 6000 people attended the healing camp and the response was overwhelming. The managing team at the temple were extremely cooperative; throughout the day they would periodically publicise our presence on the intercom. Kalki Avatar Foundation has also been invited by the temple management to hold another healing camp soon.

In regards to our healing camp, the President of at Sri Barthasarathi Sri Thirobathai Amman Temple writes:

To whom it may concern,

Kalki Avatar Foundation International organised a free spiritual healing camp at Sri Barthasarathi Sri Thirobathai Amman Temple in Udappu on the 23rd, 24th of July, 2013.

We are thankful for their free service to our people, for healing them and for giving them awareness to live peacefully.

The people are very happy and are satisfied with Kalki Avatar Foundation's service.

We suggest that there should be more such camps to benefit the humanity.

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